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eternal return

From the beach in a childhood memory, back to the place where childhood memory is tied, in order to pursue that passing time, time seems to have returned to the past, childhood memories emerge one by one with our call, and immersed in the lost and recovered In time, space exists, and when we recall our childhood, we also awaken the memory of the past forgotten.

Memories lead me to a sense of distance from myself, that is, a break in the flow of time. Is everything true that I think of? The memory is like a wave surging, and then gradually disappears in the endless sea. At this moment, immersed in the past time, while lamenting the passing of time, childhood can no longer be reproduced, all efforts have failed, and the only salvation may be the fact.

I used Nietzsche’s "Eternal Return" as the idea for this book of visual narrative creation. The seam "eternal return" on the back of the book shows the continuous weaving of memories. The first part is a transfer of an old family photo on the concrete wall. The gravel is placed in the book, and in the process of reading, the presence of the gravel expresses the eternal memory and presents the "eternal" recollection. The second part is the discussion of memory. Through memory shuttles between time and space and the folds of time, a continuous, fractured and overlapping image is constructed, the past and the present coexist in the same space, and new imaginations and new memories are developed. The ups and downs and constructions in the torrent of time reinterpret the disappearance and reappearance of meaning, and reach the "endless cycle of life."

P80, 26x18.5cm, 2019, photography manual book

(Concept book completed by participating in the planning and video production workshop of the Voice of Photography)

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